David Morgan for State Representative

Case Study

The Opportunity

Michigan's 62nd House District was one of the most competitive seats in the state when it came to the 2018 election and was consistently at the top of the list of seats the democrats believed they could flip from republican to democrat.

Republican candidate Dave Morgan sought out MRG services to assist with the campaign plan implementation in an effort to retain the House seat.

How We Got There

MRG worked directly with Morgan on the campaign strategy, leverage fundraising services, developing a strategic mail program, and implementing a sound digital marketing strategy.

The Results

Polling numbers had Morgan losing the race by double-digit margins. In a democrat wave, Morgan came within 3% of winning the election.

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I could not have been more impressed with the incredible services our campaign received from Jenell Leonard and the entire team and Marketing Resources Group. Jenell managed to turn our campaign, which most projected to lose by up to 13 points, into one of the closest races in the state.  Her 24/7 availability when needed, and her insight on all the important issues a campaign must deal with made her an amazing asset to the campaign. I could not be any more impressed than I am with the service and advice that I received.

Dave Morgan

Candidate for State Representative

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